On International Women’s Day, we celebrate the social, political, and economic achievements of women and rally for equal treatment and representation. As a women-owned firm, we are indebted to the women who came before us and laid the foundation so that we could pursue our personal and professional goals. However, there is more work to be done to achieve true gender equality in the workplace. Firms must make it a priority to recruit, retain and promote women and other diverse talent
What can you do?
1. Advocate for the advancement of women within your organization, especially women of color.
2. Recognize the invisible, but critical work women are more likely to do in both professional and domestic settings.
3. Publicly give women credit for ideas they originated and projects they developed.
4. Acknowledge the biases that women experience and support women and underrepresented employees who are more likely to desire flexible work.
5. Establish team norms to reduce the feeling of needing to be “always on.”
Hear Red Bee Principal Roberta Liebenberg commemorate International Women’s Day in the link below as part of Burford Capital’s Equity Project, which is taking impactful action to level the playing field for women lawyers.